Eagles One of these Nights - run off area wording

Going thru some of my old LP's, Eagles One of These Nights, Asylum Records, 7E-1039, and in the run off area it's hand engraved with the following:

DONT WORRY ---- (on side one, with the 3 dashes)

and on side two,

--- NOTHING WILL BE OKAY! (with the 3 dashes)

Anyone familiar with what importance or significance this engraving is? I haven't surf'ed for an answer, but suspect someone in this forum may be able to put an answer to it. Yes, I have thought about AA asking on as well. Thanks
My copy of the Eagles, "On the Border" has the same, "He who hesitates is lunch", but was xxxxxx'd out. It's still legible. My other Eagles lp's are without addendum.
On my copy of Hotel California - Side 1 says "Is it 6 O'clock yet?" Side 2 says the same as Jsd's (VOL is five piece live!)
According to the 'wisdom of legend' at the time, the engraving on Hotel California was done by the producer Bill Szymczyk. As the story went, VOL was recorded live in one take, and Szymczyk was particularly proud of it.
I'm facinated with this whole thing now -- may run down to my local used record store & see if their albums (if any) have this uniqueness.

Let me ask --besides JSD52756 -- did you know the engraving existed??