Eagles One of these Nights - run off area wording

Going thru some of my old LP's, Eagles One of These Nights, Asylum Records, 7E-1039, and in the run off area it's hand engraved with the following:

DONT WORRY ---- (on side one, with the 3 dashes)

and on side two,

--- NOTHING WILL BE OKAY! (with the 3 dashes)

Anyone familiar with what importance or significance this engraving is? I haven't surf'ed for an answer, but suspect someone in this forum may be able to put an answer to it. Yes, I have thought about AA asking on as well. Thanks
This really isn't all that unique. Way back when albums were the norm and the makers were occasionally whimsical (or downwind - your choice) there were quite a few albums that had engravings. Some had meanings that were easy and accessible, some totally cryptic. It certainly wasn't every album in the store but it was an inside thing for a while. Without the Internet, getting the meanings for the most cryptic ones was an amusing and mostly word-of-mouth game.
Went to the local LP shop and found 3 issues of One of These Nights; only 1 had a cryptic engraving & it was what I had on my copy.

Bored?? To say the least -- intrigued, is more like it.

Thanks Audiofiel -- will now take a closer glance at the run off from now on.

Investigation over/case closed. Ha.
How many of you did the whole Beatles Paul is Dead trip? I confess. Still pretty cool all the clues and what not that went along with it even to this day.
Wireless200 -- that was BIG news back then (when there was REAL news & only a 1/2 hour at that).