Which "Kind of Blue". I'm so confused

So last night I'm playing DJ ad my wife asks if we have any Miles Davis. We don't. We're not big jazz fans. Tell her I know I've seen some of Mile's recordings raved about on Audiogon and I'll do some home work and add some to our collection.

So, seems if I get one album Kind of Blue is a no-brainer. I got to Secondspin.com where i have some credit and see 3 CD's. 1959. 1959 remastered w/bonus tracks. And one (3x the money) 1993

I'm so confused. What's the recommendation?

Do not get the original Columbia CD. It is mastered at the wrong speed, the music is veiled and compressed, and it is not what was performed by those legendary musicians in the studio. If you are as cheap as you say, you can surely find a used copy of the 1997 Columbia/Legacy version which is, as stated above, speed corrected. It's also far, far more open, transparent, dynamic and just plain musical.
Slothman, you got me. Actually I'm a CIA mole looking for terrorist undercurrents in the audiophile community

It's a known fact that terroists listen to Miles before visiting Allah. Quite refreshing to see how thrifty the CIA is these days.
you can surely find a used copy of the 1997 Columbia/Legacy version...
Tomryan (Threads | Answers)

See my offer above.
Chip - Tvad will sell his for $4.00 (current market price) plus $1.50 shipping.