Norah Jones a tinge short

I love female vocals, Kd Lange, Linda Rondstat, Bonnie Ryatte to name a few. And I love Norah Jones voice, So I ran out and purchased come away with me. Though I could easily listen to it, I was a tad dissapointed in the reocording quality on CD. I could hear her mic shean (glare), tinny and a tad thin, which kept her wonderful voice from ringing clear through my Theil 3.6s. I tried some Sheryl Crow bam she was right there in my living room. I tried the Norah CD again and the sound thined and tinned. I was saddend, anybody else share this same opinion, or dissagree?
>>name a few female singers that are worthy of our "serious audiophile" ears<<

Linda Ronstadt for starters.

She embarrasses everybody on your list.
04-03-08: Audiofeil said
">>name a few female singers that are worthy of our "serious audiophile" ears<<

Linda Ronstadt for starters.

She embarrasses everybody on your list."

Good lord man, you gotta be kidding!!! I've got about six of Linda's albums, including the Standards discs and the Stone Ponies stuff (most in vinyl), and I love her, BUT no way is she in the same league as Ella, Sarah, Stacey or Karrin, much less embarassing to them. Have you ever listened to any of the singers on my list beside Nora?

I agree with these Ella, Sarah, Stacey or Karrin - just not considering Diana in the same league

Cleo Lane
Nina Simone
Celine Dion
Heather Small

...seriously there are so very many better female vocalists than Diana Krall that I simply would not even know where to stop. Early on in her career, Diana was told that there are just too many good piano players out there (and she is indeed a good one) but there are very few who sing and throw their hair get the idea. Those who are fooled by this might be also be fooled by glowing amps with tube implants....absolutely just kidding...please don't start another SS vs tubes bashing thread ;-)
Well, I like everyone on your list within their respective genres well enough, except one.

My problem is that you just have such a condescending tone -- "Those who are fooled by this..." -- implying that you're somehow superior to me because you don't like Diana and I'm "foolish" enough do so.

I can't stand Celine's singing (my wife loves her), but that doesn't mean any disrespect to you. I don't need to belittle her just because I don't like her singing. Who made you the grand poobah of female singer worthyness?

implying that you're somehow superior to me because you don't like Diana and I'm "foolish" enough do so.

Sorry Dave - good point - there is nothing foolish in listening to the vocalists that you enjoy...perhaps "beguiled" is a better term to describe the way good looking stars (like Robbie Williams for the ladies) have a sort of "magic" grip on their audiences - the persona and music seem to meld in our brains and form an intoxicating hook or image in our minds eye.

I still remember when Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and "Material Girl" videos came out - she hooked male listeners everywhere was the whole beguiling package I guess.