Herbie Hancock-Maiden Voyage

I really like the above recording by HH. It is one of my favorites. Are there other good HH recordings before he got, well weired with fusion?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
I also love Maiden Voyage, nearly as much as KoB. It's one of those records I've been playing forever and it's gotten into my DNA. You might like Hancock's VSOP:Live Under The Sky, which features the same band but substitute Wayne Shorter for George Coleman.

A real blow to me when HH became a Bose spokesman.
Thank you all for your input. I have listened to some of his fusion (not much though) which did not appeal to me, that does not mean I would dismiss all of it. In general, I am not a fan of fusion. I have no idea of the chronology of his recordings, simply that I enjoy Maiden Voyage. MV was suggested to me some time ago when I first started enjoying jazz. I just have not explored HH much further. Jaybo, if you would be so kind as to give me his first three Blue Note recordings I will check them out. I assume MV is numero uno per it's title and is included in the first three Blue Notes. All of your insights and suggestions are much appreciated.
Second the suggestion of "Takin' Off". I believe it is his first session as leader and the rest of lineup is gold. I have a bluenote reissue that sounds great. My favorite HH record. I would also give "Headhunters" a listen. More fusion than "Maiden Voyage" but not all that far out and very good to my ears. You might enjoy Horace Silver or Bud Powell as well . . .