Fleetwood Mac Rumours reissue

I purchased the new?? Fleetwood Mac double CD Rumours with disc one being digitally remastered and disc two containing outtakes and modified versions of the same songs on the original album. My point is that the overall sound and fidelity of disc one is vastly improved over the original CD issued in 1990. Wow, a huge difference. Any Fleetwood Mac fans out there should pick this up. It's a classic !!
I was really excited about the reissue when I found out about it so I bought it. I was blown away how bad it sounded to me. Yes the hiss/noise floor was quieter, but there was a major loss of dynamics and vocals seemed striped of life. The overall sound was drab and uninvolving. Once I put the old version in vocals were sweet, natural and real again. The soundstage opened back up and the loss of dynamics were gone. Hiss was back, but for me I did not mind. I still can't believe this and it makes me wonder how the new reissues that are out sound in comparison to the older versions.