Which is your fav Beethoven String Qt version?

I have the complete Quartetto Italiano set on CD, and one version of the Early Quartets Op18, Middle and Late Quartets (Vegh).

Not fully satisfied with the ones I had, I went looking to gather another version which would do justice to the complete cycle and I think I've found it with the Alan Berg version. Somehow this version seems to be paced "correctly" (I didn't fall asleep), and is well recorded on EMI. The music flows continuously and speaks to me. Highly recommended.
Talich quartet on CD, very thoughtful with sound that sounds like them, try Op.59, #3. Bartok qt on LP.
I really wish they will issue some of these gems on LP, nowadays almost all modern classical music is only issued on CD/SACD.

Anyway, I continued to enjoy the Alban Berg version. I don't find the first violin strident in any way. I suspect it depends on what front end and power cables/conditioner you use.
I've heard the Aban Berg live several times through the years and have their Lps and CDs. Neither live nor in my system they sound the way you describe. I must be system dependent. I like them for their prefectionist ensemble playing. I adore the Vegh, also the old Budapest Quartet. I also like the Tatrai. Basically I find my self in the league with Rushton.