Ringo Starr or Charlie Watts???

Charlie is rock solid, like clockwork. Ringo has a flair, more musical. Any thoughts? I myself have to go Ringo.
I loved both as a child, but if you listen to Watts jazz band you will understand what he is all about. I hope the jazz Charlie will tour some day, did the Stones years ago. I also saw Ringo last year and his band was great, you should see him.
I am not to fond of the Beatles, and even less fond of the Rolling and a stones, so I will pass on that although
Ringo's voice was good on 'Thomas the Tank Engine'.
you really have to have seen them both to understand just how good they are. charlie is the best of the two, but hey...no one else is ringo starr......side two of abbey road has some of best rock drumming ever put to record
Ringo seems like a really nice guy who was scrambling to keep up with his peers, and never really succeeded. As most people have noted, Watts was/is noticeably more rock solid. That Watts is far more serious about the art of drumming is reflected in the fact that he's still very active, and stretching out into other arenas. (I'm under the impression, btw, though I could be wrong, that Paul McCartney did a certain amount of the drumming on Abbey Road.)

I don't think either would qualify as "great" drummers, frankly, but Watts would be closest. Whoever mentioned John Bonham...now he left his mark. Another hugely under-rated drummer was Clive Bunker, who was with Jethro Tull through Aqualung (I think). One of the most creative AND rock solid drummers in rock 'n roll.