Ringo Starr or Charlie Watts???

Charlie is rock solid, like clockwork. Ringo has a flair, more musical. Any thoughts? I myself have to go Ringo.
If you put Ringo in the Stones and Charlie in the Beatles both bands would
suffer for it. IMHO, the tasks they were executing were different enough to
make this type of judgement irrelevent.

BTW Blakadr, I think it's "Gene Krupa"

Perhaps it's an urban myth, but I recall reading that Ringo did not play on all the Beatle's recordings, and that some heavy hitting session drummers filled in on several occasions.

Do any of you Beatle's aficionados know if this is true?
Bernard Purdie was the named party.
Casey33 (Threads | Answers)

Yes, I couldn't recall if it was Bernard Purdy or Hal Blaine.