Which Classical Recording is Best?

I would like to buy a vinyl record of beethoven, bach,or mozart performed recently by london symphony. Which would you recomend I buy for a first listenig encounter. A little history, I like ELP, ELO, and Jethro Tull!!!!!
Thank You from Mario
Well that is too bad that there is nothing being laid out on vinyl. I'm surprised. I guess I'm just a greenhorn to this hobby. I will just have to try and find the latest versions of beethoven so I was told by a coworker. So thank You for the info, all the best from Mario.
Ah. I missed the word vinyl but, as others have pointed out, there is no new classical vinyl nor has there been for many years.

There are, however, many new and excellent recordings on multichannel SACDs and those are what I referred to in my other post.

Hi, If you like ELO, ELP and Jethro Tull, you should check out Vivaldi- The Four Seasons as it has an almost rock like nature. The lead violin always remind me of lead guitar the way they are done.I have a Vanguard stereolab -BGS 5001 that I believe is from the late 50's, conducted by Antonio Janigro with Jan Tomasow on "lead" violin that sounds very dynamic, it was an easy switch from rock to this record. Check out some of the used record stores in your area and see what you can find. Good Luck
"Hi, If you like ELO, ELP and Jethro Tull, you should check out Vivaldi- The Four Seasons as it has an almost rock like nature. "

If you say so. I don't hear it.

ELP had many adaptions of classical music to Rock. That is their genious.

"Pictures of an Exhibition" is an awesome rendition of Russian composers Mussorgsky's piece. I have a few versions of this and love Mussorgsky and Keith Emersons version. Very heavy and dark.

Fan Fare for the Common Man is and Arron Copland piece.

ELP is real classic(al) rock