Adele cd...bad mix/recording

Anyone heard this new release from Adele..The track Chasing pavements sounds great through my car radio,bought the cd and played it through a better than good system and it sucks.Took to my main system and tried it,even worse.The mix is all wrong,guitars are recorded with distortion and IMO the backing band is unnatural sounding like computer generated tracks.Drums are totally recorded wrong..Columbia records sure did get this one wrong from a promissing young artist

No its not. Particularly on Adele recordings. Some of the songs sound fine. Some of the songs sound fine and then all of a sudden get this shrilly compressed sound. Her voice is the instrument. Why screw it up? Makes no sense except they are going for a sound that I just don't get.
It would be called the 'Loudness War'. Yes, it is planned by the 'record' companies. That, combined with not setting up micing as well as possible.

And yes, we are a blip on the screen. I am glad that I am old enough to be done with 'Pop' music. Although it certainly does cross over into too many modern Jazz recordings. I am always amazed that the production of the 50s and 60s jazz recordings are very good, and they make todays main line releases unlistenable.
Dalecrommie, It could be part and parcel of "Loudness War" but this, to me, is almost more for effect and not just for louder play on the radio.
Found myself at 110 mph listening to "Set Fire to the Rain." Great driving song!

Hard to listen to that track in my main system because the microphone and the rest of the band are not balanced. Way too bright and thin.

IMHO the quality of this CD is really off.
Bjesien, maybe that was their main goal - to have the song sound good at 110 mph in a car, on an ipod or a boombox. They probably don't give a toot that it doesn't sound right on your fancy rig.

In short, the CD probably sounds exactly they way they want it to sound.