Shout out for Neil Young's Sugar Mountain Live LP

Came out yesterday. Sparse and elegant, with lots of banter between songs. Hard to imagine 40 years have gone by since this was recorded. The Buffalo Springfield songs have never sounded better, played on only an acoustic guitar, and there are a few early NY solo gems, like "Old Laughing Lady". In a word--Essential.
And the long awaited archives soon to follow; with a Jan 2009 release of a 10 disc set initially on blu ray discs.
My understanding is that Neil Young has withheld many re-issues of older material on CD over the years because he is often not satisfied with the sound quality of many newer CD releases.

Young is a stickler for doing things the way he believes is right and I suspect this is a good omen for any new releases of remastered old material in his archives that comes out these days from an audio buff's perspective.

I'm looking very much forward to checking some of his new releases of old material out!
I believe several weeks ago there was a news release that the Young archive release has been delayed yet again. Hopefully he's revisiting his decision to limit the release to BluRay. I bet you could could on one hand the audiophiles on this forum who use a BluRay player in a serious 2-CH music system.
Great to hear, I asked my brother-in-law to give me this one for X-mas. He asked for Dylan "Live 1964". Bet you can guess how old we are!