CD's you bring for auditioning

Do you also have some CD's which you use to audition equipment and which will reveal immediately shortcomings, eg I use

Buddy Guy - Sweet Tea (first couple of tracks can be unbelievable hard to listen to on some equipment

Pink Floyd - DSOTM, checkout the bass, the clocks can sound 'washed' up on some over-tubed systems

Pink Floyd - The Wall , played at loud volume will immediately reveal shortcomings on loudspeakers

and yours...
I have a couple Vangelis cd's that work for me. before I upgraded I didnt find them to stand out however there was a huge improvement when I upgraded to a better setup.
I've had a few standards over the years.

Peter Gabriel's soundtrack for "Last Temptation" has some descending patterns on tuned drums that are a great test of a system's bass response.

Don Dixon's cover of "Cool" from West Side Story on his "Romeo at Juliard" cd has close miked his bass and also features finger snaps that just "hang".

I also like the Shelby Lynne cd for female vocals.

The track "Sista" from the Rachelle Ferrell cd "Individuality(?) combines a well recorded rythm section with well recorded vocals.

Any of the cds from "Eels" or "E" provide taped and live material mixed to contrast the ambience between them. Very revealing. The track "Susan's House" from Eels' "Beautiful Freak" throes in some monster bass lines as a bonus.

A recent addition (for audition) is Lindsey Buckingham's "Under The Skin" cd. The tracks "It Was You" and "Show You How" are recorded to capture the ambience around multiple vocalists - the effect is pretty dramatic on the right system.

Some new ones that just came to mind: Chris Izaak's Baja Sessions, Dave Mathew's Busted Stuff, Midnight Oil's Earth and Son and Moon, Crowded House Woodface.
ben harper- burn one down, ground on down, and power of the gospel. burn for the percussion, ground for the way the song begins and ends, power for the intro.

Johnny cash- solitary man and the man comes around. solitary man for the guitar and the chorus of man comes around.

getz/peterson- blues for herky; there is a lovely interplay with stans sax and oscars piano.

gustav holst- jupiter from the planets, for the way the song builds throughout and be able to place instruments in the soundstage

brubeck/rushing- evening, you have jimmy rushings powerful vocal against the intricate backup of the great quartet.