The day the music died.

50 years tomorrow. R.I.P.
I read an interview with Lennon in which he said "the Beatles" is derived from the word "beat". They keep the beat.
But his earlier band, The Silver Beatles, may have come from the Crickets. Lennon was definitely into Buddy's music.
My guess is if The Beatles were taken from the Crickets, it would have most likely been spelled, The Beetles.
But what do I know, I'm just a hillbilly from Oregon.
All we know is Reggae- Louie Louie.
The Beetles was the original name in tribute to Buddy Holly.

It was Stuart Sutcliffe's idea not John Lennon's. This is well documented.

It was later changed to the Beatles as a play on words.
"True Love Ways"--theaudiotweek brought that cut to my attention back in 1988, as I recall. Though somewhat of a peripheral fan, I had missed how well that was recorded. Truly amazing.

Yes I recall your reaction that day. Funny what we sometimes remember and hold onto.We demo'd on Essence 10's.. 2'3rd's of the way back on the left side of the store.

Have several versions of "True Love Ways". One of these versions has a short spoken intro recorded well off to the right side detached from that speaker where you can sense clearly the producer being in a different room and airspace from the band. Its rather spooky. Tom