Stevie Wonder-As

Hello fellow audiophiles and music lovers.

I am sitting here listening to Stevie Wonder on an old LP, the song is "As". I had forgotten just how much of a "masterpiece' this song, and the album on which it resides, really. I was just in the car and heard it on the radio, came home, dug up the LP, and am astounded sitting here in the presence of true greatness.

I am writing this in the off chance that there are others out there who, like me, may have forgotten how much greatness there is in this man's catalog.

All the best to all of us.

richard p
Innervisions in my favorite.
His tune "Visions" is so soulful and meaningful.
Part of his "vision" has come true.
He sure hasn't missed any meals lately.

Maybe he shares Aretha's dietary consultant.
Have to say amen too the greatness of Stevie. Seeing him perform on some of the past elections coverage has made me want to dig out of his old LPs as well. Happy listening.
Audiofeil-Stick to the subject. Your comment is idiotic. When you make the same impact Aretha and Stevie have made, criticize. Until then, close your pie hole!
I've been a fan of Stevie the Wonder Man for decades. Hell, the 1st time I saw him he played 2nd billing to the Stones at the garden (Ya-Ya period!). Forgetting his amazing longevity, voice, virtuosity, and performing skills, I believe decades from now his songwriting ability will be what he's most remembered for, truly genius. BTW, y'all need to stop talking about him in the past tense, have any of you heard his last release, 'A Time 2 Love'? It's the best he's done in a long time!