Been listening to The Beatles ...

I've been going through the whole catalogue -- both stereo and mono mixes -- and I've found myself actually enjoying these records even more than I thought I would. Even "Beatles for Sale" -- no one's favorite by the Fab Four -- isn't half bad. And the great records are sounding better than ever. Sure, many of us believe that these guys were the best rock band ever, but listening to 'em again and finding that to be true has been proving to be lots of fun. (And I haven't even played the Past Masters discs yet!)
My two sons , 32/25 yrs. old , and I seem never to be able to hook up on a common band/music when we sit down for a listen. When the Beatles are on all three of us are on the same page and the generation gap disappears.

I grew up on the Beatles, and having all their LP's as a kid, one or two songs on the Mono set have cought me by surprise as I never heard the tunes before.

Two thumbs way up!!!!!!!
I purchased stereo versions of everything from Revolver and Rubber Soul on up. Have only listened to Revolver and Rubber Soul so far. IMHO: They sound much better than any other versions I've heard so far.

Although I wouldn't characterize them as bright, there seems to be a slight emphasis in the upper range. Not a major complaint by any means, does anyone else feel this way?

Working through the other titles this week. Haven't received the mono set yet but have them on order.
I agree with the slight emphasis in the upper range, keep us posted after you listen to the mono set...
I have "Rubber Soul","Revolver","The Beatles","Abbey Road" and "Let It Be" on CD.I was surprised by how much better they sound.I highly reccomend them.I will be getting "Sgt. Pepper" and "Magical Mystery Tour".I don't care for their earlier stuff but that's just me.