Been listening to The Beatles ...

I've been going through the whole catalogue -- both stereo and mono mixes -- and I've found myself actually enjoying these records even more than I thought I would. Even "Beatles for Sale" -- no one's favorite by the Fab Four -- isn't half bad. And the great records are sounding better than ever. Sure, many of us believe that these guys were the best rock band ever, but listening to 'em again and finding that to be true has been proving to be lots of fun. (And I haven't even played the Past Masters discs yet!)
Mono on Rubber is amazing. Somewhat disappointed with the White album, does not sound "integrated" and "organic" like the earlier albums, although like many of Paul's songs on it, including Mother Natures Son and Honey Pie. Very weird little ditties that sound amazingly fresh by today's standards. These would sound great next to the material he later recorded on his first two albums.
I noticed since purchasing The Help CD in stereo from the 8 I have already that the sound is more organic and more natural sounding. I assume it must be from using maybe an earlier Ampex Reel to Reel deck, instead of the newer transistor sounding 8 track reel to reel recorders they may have used in the later years at the studio. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or any information?
There's an insane amount of related information at the Steve Hoffman site. More than I can wade through.
I've gotten a lot of listening time in of all Beatles CDs in my collection ripped to music server (along with new mono box set) over the last few weeks. I've also had a chance to listen and compare with other good mono remasters recorded originally back in the original 50's rock and roll era.

My verdict is that some of the Beatles mono recordings from the box set are as good as any I have heard and others are still somewhat lacking, especially in regards to dynamics, so it is very much a mixed bag. I do think in general that even the lesser recordings are at least as good or better than their CD predecessors I have heard.

So the mono box set results are a mixed bag still, but in general as good or better than what came before on CD at least. Maybe there is still room for improvement with some cuts, or maybe that's just the extent of what the original master tapes have to offer...I guess we'll see as some of the new online higher res digital downloads I have read about start to become available.
I am pleased with the mono - Rubber Soul came out real nice - however I am not sure if the box set was worth over $200 as none of the earlier stuff (pre-stereo) was that well recorded anyway.