So, What is the Verdict on the Beatles Box Sets?

I see a WIDE variety of opinions on the new Beatles Box sets; both for the stereo and mono versions. Have you spent some quality time evaluating these? How good/bad are they? Should we run out and get both sets? What about releasing them on vinyl; is that going to happen?
Wireless, I hope that making posts like yours give you great enjoyment because you seem to be missing the point of listening to music. It is to enjoy the music. Not because you own a "better" version than other people, but because the music moves you.

There is no one pressing or one playback system that is the only "right" one to listen to.

I'm also pretty sure that you never discussed with any of the Beatles which version of their albums they thought the best. I think that they would probably have different opinions about which was the best if they cared about such a thing at all.
I really thought that i would be able to keep my two cents out of this post, but I just couldn't. I have both the stereo versions and the mono versions. I've been listening to the Beatles for as long as I can remember. The mono and stereo versions are a definite improvement over the 87/88 CD's. For all the naysayers, maybe it's time for a new power cable or component. On my system, they are the closest thing to vinyl. Anyone want to move on to the Zeppelin remasters.
So Coffee, let me get this straight, you "spent thousands on [the Beatles rereleases] uk mono press lps" and you're castigating me for being an apologist for the new mono remasters? Not to mention you've decided to stop addressing any content and resorted to namecalling (right after posting to "mooooooove on." Can one's credibility drop any lower?