Jazz from 1957 to 1967 was the most definitive.

I believe that after that decade, the term "Jazz" lost it's definition. I also believe this decade produced the very best Jazz ever. I would like to limit the discussion to this decade in Jazz, or related Jazz.
My system consists of Rega, Marantz cd, Audible Illusions, Primaluna 6, and custom speakers.
03-26-10: Aldavis
Whoa whoa whoa. Bird is the founder of HARD bop ?
Aldavis, Bird pioneered "Bebop." "Hard Bop" descended from Bebop and is characterized by a different sound. How is Bird the founder of Hard Bop?
As an aside: I was never into Jazz for many, many years.. I just did not get it. THEN, I watched a set of Ken Burns Jazz.. And suddenly I realized what was going on in Jazz, and was amazed.
A whole new form of music blossomed before me.
I was late to the party, but I am staying till it's over.
Foster and I suspect Orpheus 10 as well. Look carefully at Aldavis' sentence. It ends with a question mark. :-) So does the dispute I think.
Aldavis, then we are in agrrement. Back to your statement correcting someone about Bird and Hard Bop. Who were you referring to?