Johnny Cash

Sitting here with too much time and doing some much needed listening. I cued up the American IV The man comes around, Man ! What a powerful album! Great sonics and the music is just awesome. The Nine inch nails cover of hurt was just powerful. The man definitely had what it takes to stir a soul. What are we doing to have when all the greats are gone? LOL, I reckon new greats. Johnny you are missed RIP!
????? Newbrook- "Hurt" is a Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) song - Johnny Cash did the cover version.

I read somewhere that Trent Reznor was very sceptical of JC doing "Hurt" but Reznor changed his mind as soon as he heard it.

to me johnny is a god. r. ruben unleashed an inner soul let him do whatever he wanted.the american recordings may be his best work.saw john at the planting fields just him and his guitar.that nite i saw my higher power.this man made a mark on my life and i thank him everyday for that.
listen him sing "redemption song " with the other great joe strummer if you want to cry. this might be the best cover of bob ever.
Again, "The Best of the Johnny Cash Show" dvd is chock full of classic performances by top talent of the time, very fun to watch. Maybe not the best sound/picture, but fun all the same.