Contemporary composers. Please help.


I would greatly appreciate any help with contemporary (20-21st century) classical music. At this point my favorites are:
Alfred Shnittke, Arvo Part, Steve Reich.
Glass, Adams, Xenakis are not in that heavy rotation.
Tried Shoenberg and Stockhousen, so far they are beyond my understanding.

Thank you,
Thanks everybody!
If it's not too much to ask, could you guys name some albums of recommended composers.
Thanks again,
Penderecki- Violin Concerto No2 (Mutter/LSO. DG Label)

Poul Ruders-Violin Concerto No1 ( Rebecca Hirsch Violin) Unicorn-Kanchana Label
Robert Maggio, "Seven Mad Gods," and "Riddles." If you want something more eclectic, try Eighth Blackbird, any of their recordings. They do works by various contemporary composers. (Another vote for Gorecki's Symphony #3, it's sublime.)