The Beatles Mono CD Box Set

I just got the Mono Set from Amazon. Anyone hear upper end rolloff on some of the discs? I'm disappointed. Low end is weighty sometimes and sometimes not.

of course, be careful about tweaking things to optimize any particular recording. all recordings are of course different and have their pluses and minuses. optimizing one that does not have the top end you are expecting could push others that do into the red zone.
The sound came around after I took the system down for home improvements and then put it back together, this time with all my cables in an order with proper separation, something I've neglected.... It makes a difference.

Yes, it can!

I have had to deal with some noise issues associated with power cord proximity to IC to the power amps. Also, tube noise was part of the mix.

It is under control currently. But I should probably redo all my wires to provide better isolation. I have found with this kind of thing benefits do not end once you do not hear an effect. There can still be subtle effects at play that are not obvious until addressed further.
I like the mono set. I also got the stereo White Album for comparison's sake. I like it better, but only because the stereo mix is a little more interesting (and what I'm used to hearing).
I think the mono CDs sound great though.
Have you compared any of the mono CDs with either the new or old stereo CDs?