"God Bless the Child" on Idol?

Anyone catch Jacob Lusk's performance of this Billie Holiday classic last night on American Idol?

It was truly one of the most earth shattering performances I've ever seen on the show.

BH herself would have been proud.

Can't wait to hear what this guy does next.

There seems to be a fair abundance of real musical talent on Idol this year so far it seems!
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Pia lacked something for me somehow. Not to say she isn't very talented. She chose the wrong uptempo for her last night. Without a huge amount of energy, the performance of that Tina Turner song fell a little flat. And what was up with that outfit?! For that song, she needed black leather and a fire under her ass.
I liked Haley ok, but she looked and sounded more like she was enjoying singing a song than baring her soul, as that song demands.
Casey, the most talented overall, not the best singer. I admit I love this kid, love his bass, and his passion to go where music takes him. Unfortunately I doubt his stage appeal will not take him much further.
I admit that I appreciate Scotty's appeal, he will have a career in country. That as far as it goes for me. Oh, and for @$%& sake, slap that mic out of his hands till he learns how to hold it like a man!
Stefano is better that I expected, but just too hard to watch. He has pulled off some difficult songs.
I thought the Johnny Cash song was quirky Paul's best. Not really sure why Rod Stewart's weird cloning mishap is still in.
Lauren will also have a career, probable in county. She has talent and performance skills.
Jacob has a fabulous voice, and has proven to have all the skills to become a great R&B artists. Sadly, I think what holds him back is a certain lack of "masculinity" in his performance.
My pic is James. Out of the gate there was little doubt he could belt out rock like a pro. My preference is when he shows he can really sing, and shows he has a beautiful voice, great control and really knows how to express the essence of a song. His last performance was my favorite, where he took an unlikely song (which I have always loved) and showed he is has depth. If only he can remember one thing: never again allow them to back-light his ears.
All said, none of course are what I would call my cup of tea. But with my wife and daughters, I have seen much of the many seasons of AI. This has definitely been the best group of talent.
"Casey, the most talented overall, not the best singer. I admit I love this kid, love his bass, and his passion to go where music takes him. Unfortunately I doubt his stage appeal will not take him much further."

This guy blew it for me in that over the top performance, the one that turned off the rest of the country as well when the judges saved him. I admit he has talent but is missing the "it" factor. He still seems shaken after that night and has really pulled it back but I think the writing is on the wall, same with Jacob after that silly remark he made about "America looking in the mirror" if they didn't like his song choice. Rule 1, don't bite the hand that feeds you. btw, he is one of my favorite singers but I realize he is on borrowed time after that comment.

Tonight may be the end for Jacob.

I see him, paul and Casey in the bottom three.

Paul would be my pick to go.

james, Casey or Scottie are my current picks to win though I doubt casey has a chance.

Srephano is not my cup of tea but gotta admit he has come on strong of late.

lauren and haley are both good but I don't see either winning unless the really pour it on from here out.
My take:
Top performer (by a mile): Casey
bottom three (three of these four): Paul, Stephano, Lauren and Haley.
Worst performance (by a mile) and hopefully going home: Paul
Frontrunner and guy to beat: Scotty

Interestingly, this season is evolaving into a competition between genres as much as performers (pop, jazz, hard-rock, gospel, country). Sadly missing is R&B.
I feel Haley's vocals were not her best last night but my lord, her performance was her best yet, she sure pulled me in!

Loved Casey and James' performance the most but my feeling is nothing has changed since last week with James and Scotty still the ones to beat.

Bottom 3 guesses - Paul, Casey, Jacob