"God Bless the Child" on Idol?

Anyone catch Jacob Lusk's performance of this Billie Holiday classic last night on American Idol?

It was truly one of the most earth shattering performances I've ever seen on the show.

BH herself would have been proud.

Can't wait to hear what this guy does next.

There seems to be a fair abundance of real musical talent on Idol this year so far it seems!
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If cuteness is a factor not only should Hailey be there but her voice, attitude and presence should have had her in finale. These two in finals are vanilla voiced with no where near the vocal range and talent you would think merits a true "American Idol". But sadly they are about as much of a joke as the music industry as a whole.
More talent and diversity than any other seaason. Consider the voters and it's totally understandable why the last 2 standing are Lauren and Scotty. I'm not the biggest country fan and I'm turned off by Scotty's at times kitchy style, but his voice is really extraordinary (at 17 years old no less).

My 11 year old put it very succinctly as she watched the finale. "This isn't American Idol, its American Teen Idol".

That is the show's viewer demographic and they play to it. Randy's simplistic, moronic feedback (In It to win it"). Jennifer's cloying personality, her um, music video's ....and Steven's placating "I loved it" blurbs are not just teen friendly, they are intended to appeal to that crowd. Haley was fun to watch because she improved so dramatically, but listening to the three stooges (judges) was excruciating this year so I opted out once she was shown the door.

The show was already headed to "Teen Idol" status before Simon left. After last year's down ratings they finished the transformation. They dumbed down the feedback, lowered the age of entry and got what they wanted... Young viewers, young winners and content that makes it difficult to watch for 20 and ups.
"content that makes it difficult to watch for 20 and ups"

Not so much for women or even men with wives and kids.

I probably would not watch if not for them, but I enjoy watching it with them. Its one of the only shows we all sit down and watch together.