Stan Getz VOYAGE

A long time Getz fan, this one slipped under my radar until a couple of days ago when I found a vinyl copy at a street sale. One of the greatest jazz records I have heard in quite some time, I can't recommend it highly enough. Getz is in top form, and exceptionally poetic in his playing. He proves once again that saxophone playing can be hip and contemporary, while still sounding velvety, and not as if the horn is about to split at the seams. The rhythm section is superb in every respect. Victor Lewis on drums, George Mraz on bass, are outstanding. But it is pianist Kenny Barron who steals the show on this session. Check out his incredible solo on the opening cut "Wanted to Say"; it is a model of logic and thematic development while swinging his a** off.

This 1986, Blackhawk release is sonically terrific. Producer Herb Wong was obviously inspired by the feeling of the music in the choices he made. The sound is detailed enough, but velvety with a rich bottom end, and no hint of shrillness. Not "audiophile grade" hyper-detailing here, but extremely listenable. After a recent disappointing rash of very noisy used record purchases, my copy of this pressing is very quiet, and consistent. There are three copies of this lp on ebay as I write, including one with an "Excellent" grading. Check this one out, you won't be disappointed.

As great a review as the recommendation. I listened to "I wanted to tell you" on you tube and was immediately sold. Very nice find, Frogman!!
You are welcome, Albert. Roxy54, it is available on CD, a couple of copies on ebay right now.
I've had the album since it came out. It is very well recorded and the playing is excellent. It is one of my favorite Getz albums.
I personally think that Kenny Barron is one of the most underrated pianist out there.
Tenor saxophonist Stan Getz found a perfect accompanist in pianist Kenny Barron, who would regularly play in his group for his last five years. This out-of-print Black Hawk LP finds the pair, along with bassist George Mraz and drummer Victor Lewis, performing two standards and four more recent pieces, including two ("Dreams" and "Voyage") by Barron. The music is difficult to classify (modern bop?) but relatively easy to understand; Getz never coasts.

Like this truly excellent and ridiculously difficult to find album that features Stan Getz and Kenny Barron in beautifully languid "after hours" mode. Find it if you can and then wonder why among the tens of thousands of mediocre LP's out there one of this quality remains deleted. Very highly recommended.

Track Listing:

1 I Wanted to Say
2 I Thought About You
3 Yesterdays
4 Dreams
5 Falling in Love
6 Voyage

The Quintet:

Stan Getz - Sax (Tenor)
Kenny Barron - Composer, Piano
Victor Lewis - Composer, Drums
George Mraz - Bass
Babatunde - Conga & Brushes (Dreams track 4)

Recorded March 9,1986 on the Blackhawk Label and is catalog number BKH 51101


There have been a number of Getz releases in the past few years, many of them not worth listening to, live sessions recorded without Stan's knowledge. This obscure Blackhawk release is a classic of cosmic dimensions. All Getz fans will want to get this one.

One of the best of the late Getz albums, previously available only as an import. Previously filed as a Kenny Barron album(!), features Getz and his "soul-mate" pianist who accompanied him for the last decade of his life.

Yeah, he plays two Barron songs, but Stan the Man's out front. Smooth and burnished like "Ballads and Bossas", lyrical, gentle, quiet, slightly sad, Vintage Getz. From nearly the same period as B&B, and "Anniversary", this album deserves much wider appreciation. Late Getz and mid Barron, both in prime form.

Mostly Ballads, Getz soars over the rest like a big eagle. Stan blows sculpted blue fog notes, weaves dreams. Victor Lewis on drums and Babatunde on brushes provide a steady hypnotic beat.

"I Thought about You" is ravishingly lyrical. This romantic, hot air balloon trip mood continues through "Yesterdays", "Dreams" and "Falling in Love". Ironic as it may seem, the title track may be the weakest track on the album. Getz and Barron listen carefully to each other and give one another room to stretch out.

One of my favorites, but difficult to find, buy it when you can.

Have some wine, sit back and drink it in. Well recorded session.

Stan Getz said that Kenny Barron was the other half of his jazz heart. Until now Voyage has been virtually impossible to find but it belongs to the finest albums Getz recorded. Always the lyrical player, Getz seemed to play with an even greater ease and depth later in his career. This album is beautifully recorded, features the gorgeous piano of Kenny Barron and provides an album of songs that is both sensual and painfully beautiful.

End Review:

One of the all-time great tenor saxophonists, Stan Getz was known as "The Sound" because he had one of the most beautiful tones ever heard. Getz, whose main early influence was Lester Young, grew to be a major influence himself and to his credit he never stopped evolving.

This was an ad of a copy I sold on Audiogon last year. Posted here as FYI.