Originals vs. reissues/current issues

I've spent all day, again, listening and I've been not very inpressed by all of the LPs I've played until I put on an original ELP "Brain Salad Surgery" Manticore.
Ahh!!! All day and finally the total musical (whole) I've been craving.
My experience with re-issue pressings has been hit-or-miss.
As far as the content - I'm a total music snob, but there's lots of "Bad" music that
I like. Time has been kinder to some musical forms than others.
I wouldn't be caught dead listening to female vocal jazz, but many A'goners love it.
I have never bothered to worry about one reissue or original vs reissue ever.
I have mostly whatever i could find, cheap, used, in great shape.
So I have a few Mobile Fidelity, a few nautilus, and a lot of just whatever it is I have.
I have never tried to compare pressings ((a short jouney into a Hell i have interest in being in!))
So i am just tossing my two cents in to say: nope never bother.
sorry, that was rude. But I don't like them

I usually find the re-issue to be better than the orginal, if it's a "special" pressing. I have bought several pristine (truely mint) first pressings, then compared them to the 180g reissue, and in almost all instances the reissue has been better.

that said, I have bought US pressed first pressings only, and many of the special reissues have come from Japan, and have been much better.

It could just be the superior Japanese pressings, and the original 1st issues from Japan might be ever bit as good or better.