Live Performances Gone Awry

I couldn't help but think about the time I saw Steven Tyler stagger across the stage and pass out back in the early 80's, and how Stevie Nicks cancelled a concert at the New York State Fair around 1987-88 because she had such a bad cocaine problem. The Stevie Nick's show really upset me because she didn't reschedule and they didn't announce it until two hours before the show.

Anyone one else have any poor experiences at a live show they'd like to share? Grateful Dead welcome but please no stories of fans.
Saw Sly and the Family Stone at the Electric Circus in 1968 - well, actually I didn't. They didn't show.
Saw the replacements at wash univ in St.Louis about 1988. They played in the school gym. Wasn't very familiar with them but had heard some good things. They all seemed pretty messed up during the show. Frequent rantings of f-school this and f-school that. Paul Westerberg didn't seem to be a fan of higher education.

Saw the who at the tangerine bowl in orlando, thanksgiving weekend 1982. The b-52s opened. That didn't go over well.
I went to see the Chambers Brothers in Boston sometime in the late 60's and only a couple of the "original" band members showed. I have seen a lot of concerts and this one rates at the top of the uninspired list.
I was supposed to go to a concert with a few friends,but didn't make it. Didn't care much for the band anyway, but they had a great story of what happened that night. Nine Inch Nails in Albany, NY in the early 90's...

The singer (Trent Reznor) was swining his mic around in a big circle (it was attached to a cable), and it hit the drummer in the head. They took a half hour or so break while the drummer got stitches. They came back on to finish their set, and about 10 minutes later, someone in the crowd threw something at the stage (they think it was a boot) which ended up hitting the drummer in the head again, opening up the cut that was just stitched. They called it a night after that.

Made me wish I didn't miss that one.
Notice that none of these disasters involve a classical musician or performance?