Master Metal Guitarist

A great listen, watch this guy tear it up.

EMG 808X
Back at'cha

If you like guitars, here's a shameless plug for a project I worked on (photography). Not that I expect that many will be busting out their wallets for this bank-breaking book, but I have to say, it's damned impressive and if you're an electric guitar fanatic, a must-have. Disclaimers should be obvious.

The Guitar Collection

Amazon sells it at a significant discount, but still an investment.
My son showed me this awhile back, I bought the CD.
Amazing stuff, he changes his tone sometimes on the
CD so sometimes it doesn't sound so great, mostly
the sound is really great, not overly compressed.
I keep a copy in the car at all times :)
I have Animals as Leaders "weightless", the second album with his group, heard the first but it was just drum samples and a showcase of his talent, this music is at times cool and at times like Prog vomit where everything is so dizzy and mixed in its just a bit much IMO. No doubt this guy can play!