Popular Female Singers in the past 2 decades

Hi, can you name 10 most popular/favorite female singers (vocalist, artist) in the past 2 decades?

I want to collect the CDs for these singers and very often I heard those songs (mostly pop, movie theme sound track, etc) on radio FM103.5 or 107.9. But I don't remember or recognize their names or the songs.

Celine Dion and Britney Spears are just 2 examples. Thanks.
Maybe I should add (trying not to be redundant):

Joni Mitchell
Annie Lennox
Cyndi Lauper
Whitney Houston
Sinead O'Connor
Laurie Anderson
Diane Krall
Amy Winehouse

Can't say I listen to all of these ladies, but you wanted popular, no?
Jane Siberry - When I Was A Boy
Ani Difranco - Up Up Up Up Up
Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
I see Bjork finally mentioned above. I recommend her album titled Serpentine or Debut.
All of the above, plus Natalie Merchant. My wife just bought Adele's "21" album. It's very pop sounding, but not bad.