Trying to ID this peice of classical

I'm trying to identify the start of this track by Italian Prog band Quella Vecchia Locanda. I know it and it sounds like Schubert to me but I just cannot remember what the original piece is. Can anyone ID it for me - thanks
This is definitely familiar. Its going to take a while to place it. It will come to me eventually.
Jamscience - That'd be the last place I'd go - and Vivaldi! Good grief - that just highlights what prats that place attracts! Anyway, it's classical experts I need not prog ones (if the latter exists as a concept - and it doesn't believe me!) :)

I'm pretty sure it is Schubert but I am not so confident it's played as in the QVL piece i.e. if it really is a chamber piece. If not, it could solo piano, although it does sound "right" in that track.
This is not Vivaldi. My first thought was Schubert, maybe LvB. Very, very, very familiar.