Street musicians

In some way they are the truest artists. Let's find interesting people performing out in the open.
I'll start with this:
While it is true that some greats spent time playing in the streets for a few coins, it is also true that non-musicians sometimes over-romanticize the notion of the starving musician. There is no question that there are talented musicians that have to resort to (sometimes they choose to) playing in the streets; occasionally we even hear a very talented one. But reality is that the if we are going to reserve the term "artist" for those who have achieved an extremely high level of proficiency (which is the only way that artistic expression on the highest level is possible) they are rarely heard playing in the streets. Playing or singing in a way that is heartfelt does not necessarily an artist make.
Frogman, instead of delivering a lecture saying the obvious why don't you find something interesting and post it here? Be "an artist" not a consumer.
Lecture? Not at all; no interest in that. Obvious? Apparently not, based on your "truest artists" comment. Anyway, my intention was not to offend; simply engage.
So ok, I'll play: I've heard these guys a few times at midtown subway stations, and they KILL.