Street musicians

In some way they are the truest artists. Let's find interesting people performing out in the open.
I'll start with this:
Call me crazy, but I don't know what else to call someone who puts down a hat and hopes someone puts money in it. Does everyone do that? Not where I live. Look - I know that they're good people just trying to make some money. That's ok, but how do they expect to ever make a living at something when they're willing to give it away for scraps people throw them? Next time you see a street musician, ask them if they want to play your private party. They'll say yes. Then ask them how much they want. You'll be very surprised at how much they think they're worth. Then ask them if they'll just put down a hat at the party like they're doing in the street. They'll say no. Ask them why not - they're playing for the hat in the street, why not at your party? Then maybe you'll both understand what I'm talking about.
Saw a lot of this in Europe. One told me, she looks upon it as getting paid to practice. She played the violin. Got her time in on the instrument, and picked up a few marks in the process.