How selective are you?

Unless someone is a big classical music fan, I am always amazed by the fact that many have thousands of LPs and cds.
With classical music, you can sometimes have a hundred copies of the same composition performed by different musicians in different places.
As an example, I like fusion era Miles. For my taste, absolutely best albums from that time are Bitches Brew and Pangaea. And that's exactly what I have, just these two because everything else from him after it is either much weaker or just junk.
Or take Pink Floyd. Wish You Were Here and Dark Side are the best, so I have them. The Wall is OK, I don't have it, and the rest is just not worth it at all.
Deep Purple. Machine Head and maybe Live in Japan, that's all, though I think that Demon's Eye from Fireball is a great song.
Why listen to what is worse along with what is better? To make "better" even better by comparizon?
I think that there is no good music, classical aside, for thousands of titles though there are many good songs scattered in many albums. Maybe some keep many titles because of one or two songs, I don't know.
" The record covers are pretty and interesting, but the music is so lousy, "

Back in the day when LPs were $2.50, I bought many of my LPs based on the album art. Found a lot of good music that way. Now with CDs right at $20, the reviews must be great, and from a lot of people. I no longer take chances.
Yeah, I heard that Stereophile has a share, just don't know how big a share, and who else has big shares.
It's too much money affairs everywhere, difficult to find a place to talk to other people normally.
Some LP covers are just great. Bitches Brew, Pangaea, Agharta, Into the Labyrinth come to mind immideately.
I have to admit that I've bought CDs because I liked no more than 1 or 2 tunes on it.