Extremely well recorded jazz double bass? cymbals?

I'm trying to decide on some speakers and have concerns about their ability to resolve on stand up bass.

Can you recommend a CD with acoustic, stand up bass on which you can hear the "wood," the "whiz" of the strings vibrating in the air...or just, something with fine detail?

Several of my CDs have great, prominent bass (Ray Brown, Patricia Barber, Diana Krall) but it's not that well recorded.

Would also appreciate something well recorded at the other end: extremely detailed cymbal and drums.

Try Waltz for Debby by Bill Evans with Scot LaFaro on bass and Paul Motion on drums. The best CD version is the Complete Village Vanguard set CD from which Waltz for Debby was taken. There are also high rez versions on HDTracks, although I have not tried them. I just ripped the Compete VV set. Usually considered Evans best and unfortunately LaFaro's last recording.
I have a decent semi-recent issue LP of "Waltz for Debbie" on frequent rotation around my place. It's a fave...amazing.
Wow! Thank you everyone.

Thanks for the suggestion of Brian Bromberg. Check out his CD "Hands," it's all acoustic bass and should be a great test, man what an amazing recording.
Great harmonics playing...And listen to the slap on the bongo reverberating...great room sounds..."Solar" and "Black Orpheus" are great...

I'm going to work my way through the rest of these suggestions. Thank you so much!

Edorr - "Jazz in the Garden" -- cymbals are amazing. That will work.

Geez, I've only listened to two and both blew me away. Thanks...
Edorr - holy cow, Tethered Moon is even better. And wonderful music. This CD has space and air. The piano recording is amazing, and the cymbals are probably the best recorded I've heard. Of course, until I get to the next suggestion :-).

OK, I'm going to force myself not to clutter this fine thread with my grateful ebullience at every suggestion, but thanks all...not only do I have some killer test CDs but some really fine music that's new to me. Now to go back to the shop to test those speakers.....

Really thanks. Keep them coming.