YouTube unlistenable

I've got some tubes from my friend to share and started listening...
During performance some pop-up commercial comes together and blends with music. You should quick hit the button skip ad whatta bummer. I really got disappointed when one of my favorite La Catedral got interrupted.
I don't see anywhere in my post that YouTube is my reference source, but sometimes want to see occasional performances of musicians. Some of the tubes are on HD format with at least MP320 format, but that doesn't realy matter. The point is I used to browse tubes with no interruptions of some dummy commercials on the right or left side of the page. "Congratulations You Won!" while listening to performance. It's damn wrong for the site to be compromised by hackers.
I double-checked my popup settings and the blocker is "on"... Should I security settings to highest? It's not happening with most of the sites I visit...
Invest in a CD player and even a turntable (OK that is strtching it) or get a decent computer streaming device with its own dac that you then feed to a good stereo, but use different sources.
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