Music that everyone else loves but you just don't

Like the thread title says, there's some music that everyone else seems to love but I don't.
I don't have their albums, I switch stations if I hear it, my eyes glaze over when yet another thread starts up about how great the remaster of the remastered tapes begins...get a grip I wanna yell it's elevator muzak! :p

Who's on your list then?

Here's some of mine:

Eagles ('s a country mile to get away)
Dianna Krall
The Boss (but if he's in a backing band then that's OK(think Warren Zevon) )
All Boy Bands
All Girl Bands
The Stones...basically everything
Fleetwood Mac (everything since P.Green left)
The twenty thousand clones of Aretha Franklin
Johnny Winter
Grateful Dead
Lots and lots of Neil Young
Steely Dan all albums except CDTE
The Doors
Led Zep after Houses of the Holy

There's more but that's a start.

I think growing up listening to Grand Funk Railroad ruined me for heavy metal music....nothing compares I'm afraid to Mark, Don and Mel.


Yep, I know there's a lot of elevator muzak a lot of Mall muzak in there but ...hey that's where this stuff tends to end up or on baby boomer FM stations.

Now don't get angry, don't get cranky if your favourite music appears in someone's list...just chill and write your own. This is just a thread for people who mightn't like what everybody else likes. Some harmless fun if you like.

You could of course put an alternative to your disliked band/singer/musician in brackets. Even though I didn't, feel free to do so yourself.

Cheers :D
Well to be fair I really like Countdown To Ecstasy and it took me years to work out why I only really liked this album and a couple of tracks off their first...Jeff'Skunk' Baxter...end of story

and yeah your right Exile on Mainstreet is good but it gets lost under the mountains of dross the geriatrics have put out over the millennia.

I watched a recent youtube clip of Johhny Winter, I think it was live in Tokoyo or Japan somewhere and the guitarist who did an intro for a couple of minutes and then started saying..."put your hands together for the one an only...." yada yada yada...was better than JW!

Never listened to Kid Rock
Rolling Stones. Never did like them. From day one. Yuck!
I have to say some of their music is OK, but the members.. personally i just cannot stand them at all.

Later Elvis.. Jeez give me a barf bag.

These two alone should bring out a few big guns to shoot me down.. LOL.
Music is very personal and generational... anyone who is critical of someone's taste in music is an "empty chair"
Rush - Inane lyrics backed by juvenile, pompous "music"

Fleetwood Mac - Anything that has Stevie Nicks singing - fingernails on a blackboard

Stevie Nicks - See Fleetwood Mac

U2 -"The Edge" number 27 of all time great guitarists - yeah, right.

George Thorogood - If there's any talent he keeps it hidden well.
Rickie Lee Jones. I'm fine with others that seem to generate a lot of dislike: Diana Krall and Patricia Barber, for instance. I love Ella and Sarah at their best, and Eva Cassidy and Holly Cole. But Rickie Lee's voice and (especially) mannerisms drive me nuts. I have many of her albums -- hope springs eternal and all that -- but obviously haven't cracked the code.