The Weavers

The Weavers Reunion at Carnegie Hall.......Who actually listens to this crap? I am not talking about the sound quality, I am talking about the music itself. I own one of the approved audiophile pressings and I just don't get it.
128x128stereo5 job of piling on! That's what I love about this site....wit to break the monotony of addiction!
C'mon now. For Pete's sake ------ this is Pete Seeger in his youth, with one of the finest folk groups of the day.

Crap? This is classic folk, where lot's of today's genres began. Let's keep an open mind, and expand.
"Wimoweh" is a real deep view into American History. Specially the 45rpm version shows all subtle details....:-)

Good call on The Kingston Trio. IMHO, they might be the clearest example of how this genre really morphed into the mainstream pop music of the '60s.

They were hugely popular, and I know that Martin Guitars considered them critical to the company's success and credits The Kingston Trio with helping fuel the guitar boom of the time. When John Stewart replaced Dave Guard in the mid/late '60's, their music started to morph toward more mainstream pop. Stewart later left the band and released one of my favorite records of the '70's "Gold".
