Has anyone lost their best friend?

I have been blessed by the companionship of a Weimaraner/Doberman mix who was with us for 10 years. He loved to sit on the couch with me and listen to music. The loss of
his companionship has left a void that I was not ready for.
I want to thank all of you who responded - Moses would come in to my listening room when he heard Blues. I will eventually
try to rescue a Doberman - later.

It makes this time easier knowing this bond exists with each of you.
Thank You
OK, enuff! I was at the rescue shelter yesterday looking at boxer mixes to adopt and then I read this...LOL...how fitting!
Seriously...my condolences to you all. My shepherd, Max, died a few years ago. What a great dog and a great personality.
It hurts beyond words to suffer the loss of a special friend. When you get to heaven your dog will be waiting to welcome you.
Kmulkey: Get the Boxer! Salsa is our second one - I alluded to the loss of our first one (Phoebe) above. Talk about a family member!! The hard part is what Dapom is experiencing today and it comes for all of us sooner or later.