Has anyone lost their best friend?

I have been blessed by the companionship of a Weimaraner/Doberman mix who was with us for 10 years. He loved to sit on the couch with me and listen to music. The loss of
his companionship has left a void that I was not ready for.
Kmulkey: Get the Boxer! Salsa is our second one - I alluded to the loss of our first one (Phoebe) above. Talk about a family member!! The hard part is what Dapom is experiencing today and it comes for all of us sooner or later.
I lost my good friend Paul a few years ago when I lived in NJ. He was a great guy and loved by his family and all who knew him. We'd go to audio club meetings together and invite eachother over to listen to our latest musical finds.

But he developed a rare form of skin cancer that took him out in a couple of months. It was very sad.

I've since moved to Tucson and haven't made a friend like Paul here as yet. Everyone seems so self-absorbed and too busy to drive 20 minutes and spend an hour or so listening to great music. That's pretty sad as well. I can still hear Paul's laugh. So don't take your friends for granted. The day you will miss them comes all too quickly.
We had a Miniature Poodle, Spike for 14 years. He was my wife's dog before we even married. He passed away in October 2006. We were so sad(I actually cried, beleive it or not), that I did not think I will ever want another dog. After much debate, we finally decided.
Did some research, found a breeder and I was on my way. Actually drove for almost 4 hours one way. Total of 8 hours of driving in one day.
Picked up a black/silver Miniature Schnauzer puppy boy in December, almost 1 and 1/2 years after Spike. It's amazing how quickly these guys become part of our lifes. He's so much fun, my son loves him(he was missing Spike big time) and he's just becoming a great companion.
For what it may be worth in comforting you. Dogs are one of God's best creations. The love unconditionally. We could learn from them on what true love really is. When my best buddy goes, it will devistate me. I thank God for giving him to me for this short time. We have a pact that if he goes first he will be there waiting for me, and if I go first I will come get him when he needs me.
If love could have saved your friend, he would have lived forever.