Has anyone lost their best friend?

I have been blessed by the companionship of a Weimaraner/Doberman mix who was with us for 10 years. He loved to sit on the couch with me and listen to music. The loss of
his companionship has left a void that I was not ready for.
I can also relate...

We lost Dune (gave him that name because we found him on the beach - lifeguard brought one of the pups with him to work one day), a German Shepherd in 2001 after 16.5 years.

Things come full circle as we found Scout at a championship breeder almost 2 years ago. She was a rescue dog, as the home where they originally placed her was just crazy. It's been a lot of work getting her to trust us, but the end result is worth it. My father was DEAD SET AGAINST us getting another dog in the most angry of ways, as he felt Dune couldn't be replaced. That all went up in smoke in about 2 milliseconds when he saw that she looks EXACTLY like Dune, except for the fact that she's twice as big. It's uncanny...
Great post dapom, thanks for sharing your story. I'm guessing that many of those reading this thread have already given they're pets a bit more TLC today...I know I have.

Yep, 2 weeks ago, 3 legged black lab named Coltrane. Running and listening companion. Requiescat in pace.
Dapom, I feel for you and for everybody else who posted here.
My Dalmatian, Fan-Fan, always joined me for my listening sessions, laying at, but mostly on my feet. I lost him a year ago. I miss him very much.
Due to health issues I dont leave the house very much and have a Canine and Feline buddy here with me to keep me company when everyone is at work and such. A few weeks ago it hit me like it does every now and then of how hard it will be when I am forced to say goodbye to either of my friends but then they do something that makes me laugh and I shake it off and enjoy the moment.
Here is an example of how goofy I am, I have a file folder with a Ziploc bag of each friends hair as I am convined in not too distant future there is a chance we can clone our friends..............I need help lol!