System matching can be difficult...

Anyone have good ideas on system matching ?

I got to the point where I can hear individual gears in a system, and point out the weak link, but system matching still is difficult for me - fine tuning it.

I am beginning to think this is the reason for my constant upgrade bug - If I were better at matching gears, perhaps I will settle down with a system for a long time to come...
I think I have a well matched system and I feel no need to upgrade or change any componets
Totem Winds
Plinius SA102 amp
Plinius m-8 pre amp
MSB Platium Plus Dac III
Analysis Plus Solo Cables all around
simple but good
Its a start
A sensible solution is to go with a company that designs and manufactures with system matching as a guiding principle, particularly in the source through amplification chain. Unfortunately, VERY few excel at all links in this chain. One company that does is Naim. If you're anywhere near a Naim dealer, give the gear an audition. Speakers being the most personal of audio components, another manufacturer's speakers might be more to your taste. For instance, ProAc does very well with Naim components upstream. Good listening!
Audio Note was the answer to my system matching problem.

I am embarrassed with all the transactions I have on Audiogon because I didn't know about AN gear.
Use this forum to your advantage by searching the archive and seeing what other reputable members are using with your individual components. If no information is found, ask. Also, call the manufacturers. For example, If you own a particular type of speaker, call the manufacturer and ask them what they recommend for amplification. You may want to go to a show...perhaps RMAF in Denver and see what other folks are using with your gear. Instead of trial and error, ask first. That being said, trial and error is a good thing; as you have found out it is a learning experience, albeit an expensive one.
I looked at you systems and noted a lot of old speaker technology. I think that if you focused on one system and built it around a really great modern speaker that you'd get more total enjoyment.

Going to a show, like RMAF, is a great suggestion. (Be sure to stop by Soundings' room, which always sounds great). Focus on finding a "special" speaker, then enlist your dealer's help and/or A'gon to help you put together a really synergistic setup.
