What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films

I thought I'd ask other's here to share their thoughts on flicks they've found to be outstanding, or even their own personal favs… aside from those which Hollywood has promoted to the hilt and everyone already knows about unless they’ve benn living on Saturn.

So if you can think of those ‘non main stream’ efforts, or those films which either didn’t get their due, or only a few likely know about, but are indeed, very good to great film experiences, please share your thoughts here. This would be kind of like an indi list of movies so to speak.

So…. What are your fav non block buster flicks?

Here are some of my favs in no particular order:

1 Lonestar State of Mind
2 Thursday
3 A Bronx Tale
4 Clay Pigeons
5 Palmetto
6 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead
7 Prophecy (any of the first 3)
8 Hollow Point
9 Ice harvest
10 Take the Money and Run

If you have to include a mainstreamer or two go ahead. I’m curious to see as esoteric as many of us are with audio, what’s up with our tastes in film, and hopefully broaden some perspectives there.

Have fun, and thanks very much
The Third Man, Paths of Glory, Red Rocks West, 12 Angry Men, American Psyco, 24 Hour Party People.
Sweet Hereafter
Wings of Desire
Royal Tannenbaums
Down By Law (Tom waits! Roberto Benigni! John Lurie!)
Ghost Dog
Groundhog Day
Life Aquatic
Tony Takitani
Waiting for Guffman
Usual Suspects
A Scanner Darkly
Some excellent suggestions, but no mention of my favourite director, Kurosowa. OK some mentioned Seven Samurai. The best 2 though, I thought were:
Kagemusha, the opening shot of a warrior running down a castle, lasts about 8 minutes and stopped me dead in my tracks.
Ran, his version of Macbeth, very suitable for the era of cruelty and deception in the time of the Shoguns
In no particular order...
Tideland (Terry Gilliam)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen)
Asylum (David Mackenzie)
La Cité des Enfants Perdus (Jean-Pierre Jeunet & Marc Caro)
Das Wahre Leben (Alain Gsponer)
Dancer In The Dark (Lars von Trier)
The Visitor (Thomas McCarthy)
Man In The Chair (Michael Schroeder)
The White Countess (James Ivory)
Fargo (Joel & Ethan Coen)
...there are so many more, but I guess this'll do for now :)
The Life & Times of Judge Roy Bean
Goin' South
Ruggles of Red Gap
The Razors Edge (w/Bill Murray)
House of Games
Things Change
Run Lola Run
The Favor, the Watch and the Very Big Fish
Manon of the Spring
Cinema Paridisio
Babettes Feast