What is the best band ever?

Obviously, answers will be subjective. Wish we could poll this. I guess, just give your personal favorite.

Led Sepellin for me.

Just to add two not mentioned if we are truly talking only about cumulative blazing talent:

Mahavishnu Orchestra (McLaughlin/Cobham/Hammer)
Weather Report (Zaiwanul/Pastorius/Shorter)

and support for:
Beatles (for breaking new ground)
Floyd (best Stadium guitar/angst rock)
ELP (instrumental speed and agility)
Supertramp (Rick Davies was a genius)
SRV dbltrbl (nobody touches Stevie and JMac on guitar, though Gilmour is close)
The Audio-Fool Band should also be mentioned. However, many believe the band is very arrogant, self centered and obnoxious.