what is the best Holly Cole CD?

what is the best sounding Holly Cole CD/LP?
I'd say Temptation hands down.
The ironic thing is she got slammed by the mainstream Jazz press for doing it. I seem to remember there was a nice interview with her in Stereophile about it a year or so ago.
Her latest self titled album is pretty good as well and may be her best jazz album. I have all of her albums on CD, and they are all pretty good. Temptation is awesome on vinyl. Tom Waits is a genius song writer. Funny enough, I heard a few of his songs first on Temptation and then I heard them on his albums, and I could not identify them when Waits was singing. This is how different the arrangements are on the Temptation album.

I prefer Dark Dear Heart over the others, great album! Sonics are fine as well.
I agree with the greatest hits recommendation, it is a fine way to start. The Canadian cds do sound a bit better.

Try Linda Eder too, another fine female vocalist.
Don't Smoke In Bed and Temptation are both terrific, both musically and sonically. The vinyl 45rpm included w/Romantically Helpless is demo quality, but the LP material is much weaker. Cheers,