Best surprisingly good value component

Like many of you, I try many components, liking many of them, before settling on one for the final system component (thank God for Audiogon, and buying and selling used gear). Many times I am shocked that the biggest name, and most expensive doesn't sound the best in my system.

I tried many (11) DAC's before settling on the Bryston that I had in my system for a long time. I have had many, many subs, and even more phono stages, both tubed and SS.

So my question is what is the component you have in your system now that is the "best bargain". In other words probably much below the cost of the other components, but you just can't get rid of it because it sounds so good?

For me it's easy: PS Audio GCPH Phono Stage modded by Parts Connexion (sold mostly by Underwood). I bought this as I tried to find the best sub $5k phono stage I could get, and never found one that bettered this to my ear. I don't know that everyone would have this experience, but with my set up, I have yet to find a better phono stage.

I recently went to a higher output cartridge, and tried to go back to the phono stage on my Cary SLP98p F-1 that I have always loved, and found that the Modded PS Audio bests it in all ways by a mile.

Let's hear what your best "bargain" gear is?

I'm still find it somewhat amazing that I'd have to spend at least 4 X more to get comparable performance to a pair of used Thiel 3.5's.
I'm going to add the ridicoulously good Def Tech Supercube1 to this list as well.

I paid $700 for a sub that, once set up correctly, which did take more than a few hours, has performed every bit as well or better than subs I have owned which cost me 5x of this price.

Great sub for music, fast, deep and flexible.

Kudos again to Def Tech one of the best value companies in audio.
The new Daber audio monitor 3 speakers, they give my VSA a real run for the money for way less, That and my McIntosh MA 6600, it is so awesome that despite the relative high cost, it seems worth every penny and more. Both real keepers.
Luxman R117 receiver bought used for less than $300 runs my maggies almost as well as my threshold. Silent audio (seem to be out of business) Apollo interconnects at $50/pair out performed many ICs costing 5 times as much.
I have been spending some time experimenting with Wyred 4 Sound SX 500 mono amps and wanted to get a taste of some sweet tubes in front of them. Not wanting to spend a lot to experiment, I ordered a Space-Tech QA-001 mk2 preamp (about $500 new). I am really enjoying this preamp. The default tube in this model is a 6SL7 but with its Flex-tube design you can also use 6SN7/6SU7/ECC32/ECC33/ECC35/6188 or equiv. With additional tube expansion adapters available thru Space-tech you can also use 6L6, 6K6, 6G6, 6V6, 6F6, 6Y6,KT66,6550, EL34, 5881, KT88, KT99, KT100, etc. Soundstage width and depth are exceptional; instrumental timbers are very realistic; good rhythmic bass drive; and detail retrieval is quite good. Not much to dislike about the unit (unless you need more than one input and then there are other Space-tech models that could be better for your system) and the endless options for tube rolling really help in tailoring the sound to meet your needs. At $500, I think it is a fantastic value purchase. I am definitely keeping it.