Addiction to Brand

Many of smokers get addicted to certain brand and would never switch to any other sigarettes.
I have the same story with Aerial speakers and Lyra cartridges.
I can only upgrade to better Aerial speaker and better Lyra cartridge.
Anybody else has this kind of addiction?
I'm with you on the Aerials - love my 7b's...
Pretty hooked on my Classe stuff too.

Um, kind of a Linnie too, but don't currently have any of it.

I used to love my little Sima PW3000 integrated - that company is now Simaudio and I could see myself going back to that should the Classe ever die.
Jensen caps, Arcturus tubes, Switchcraft plugs, Riken Resistors, anything by Screamin' Jay Hawkins or Hermes.
Yes, definitely! I'm a fan of amps made by Nelson Pass, or any one who worked with him in the past, especially, Michael Bladelius. I also like Conrad Johnson, MBL, Basis, Benz Micro, Martin Logan, and Ariel speakers.... but all of it better be wired with TARA Labs RSC cables.
Well, addicated is way too strong a word in my case, but here are the manufacturers that I currently look to first when I get the urge to upgrade:

( ) = Equipment I currently own

Analog Equipment:



ASR Audio Systeme
Audio Research
EMM Labs
(Resolution Audio)


Avalon Acoustics
Sonus Faber


Jena Labs

And yeah, I know, my cabling list is too short. But I just have not gotten too much into auditioning cables, even though I know I should.

My two cents worth anyway.