Looking for a $1k DAC that delivers?

I'm looking for recommendations for a $1k DAC. I tried Musical Fidelity's m1. It delivers crisp and clean highs, wide soundstage and breathy vocals, but there is no bottom end. The bass is non-existent. Peachtree's iDAC is warmer but just does not draw me in. I would like to try Eastern Electric's tube dac plus but Bill at Morningstar won't allow an audition. Does anyone have experience with the Eastern Electric or Wyred 4 Sound's DAC 1 or 2? Any other recommendations? Thanks!
I always wonder why the chip set in the DAC is the primary concern for a prospective buyer. There is an "A" in DAC which is the analog output you are actually hearing. A cheap output stage cannot equal the sound quality of a better quality well designed output, no matter what chip set
is in front of it. A case in point, expensive amps outperform cheap ones.
RHljazz, you're absolutely correct! The analog output stage is just as (?? even more) critical than the chipset and digital implementation. Power supply likewise important. The M-DAC reportedly has a robust linear power supply (with an upgraded power supply option coming in 2012), plus a "Class A" analog output. Looks great on paper, and in the early reviews, but I've yet to hear one.