Best tube-based phono stage?

I'm asking for a friend. I'm a digital guy. Don't be haters!
Best? Aesthetix Io Eclipse

Outrageously Excellent? Atma-Sphere MP-1

Would be helpful to know a price range your friend may be willing to work within.
I'm posting as quick as I can! But I agree this site sux now.
I have info from my friend: $1000 or less (preferably under $800) for both the deck and the phono stage, definitely MM, will be using the venerable NAD 3020 for amplification at first, will be going with headphones until he can afford some standmounts. Don't know which cans he uses, but I know he has a pair of Grado SR80i's.
Thanks guys.
I believe Jarobertson is refering to the excessive moderation that has been in place since the A'gon "upgrade" was put in place. It ruins the flow of the conversations, IMHO.
well I'll have to be patient I guess. I enjoy looking at everyone's recommendations. I found several brands here that I would have otherwise never discovered: HSU, Wireworld, Lifatec, blue jeans cable, Musical Fidelity, and PS Audio. My college roommate is the one seeking ideas, now he'll benefit too. He's not much of a forum guy, or he'd be on here.