Best chestnut roasting recipe

Who out there knows how to roast them? I mean the way those little old Italian men pushing those colorful carts around do it. They're perfect! I mean without that texture that resembles a baked potato. Nice and firm still, but fully cooked. I've tried all of them and they always end up being a baked potato. What is the secret? Tell us!
Okay. You're suggesting hours, not minutes. Is that the key? I've tried high heat , low heat, barbeque, oven, boiled, various internet recipes. They always turn out the same, baked potato. But they've never been in longer than 1/2 hour. The little old Italians pushing carts have a heap of them inside those glass enclosures and you can see a trickle of steam coming out the top(I think they double as popcorn poppers in the Summer)
Why not ask one of the "little old Italian pushing cart" owners for advice. Might just make their day.
I would but I haven't seen one of them for the last 15 years. I think they're all gone now.