What's a great system at these price points?


This is the information age. Let's think systems, not just components, and discuss how to cost-optimize the high-end listening experience. Anyone with money to burn can be wasteful. Can you achieve the high end experience on budgets like these?

Price points (maximums:) $500, $1000, $2000, $3500, $5000.

Let's say the cost of a computer or other digital source is not included. Above $3000 there should be more than one hi-fi audio zone. Above $4000 it should have 5 or more separate zones.

Wanna play? OK, go.

Can you achieve the high end experience on budgets like these?

Price points (maximums:) $500, $1000, $2000, $3500, $5000.

Yes, and no, all dependent on your personal definition of "high end experience".

Wanna play?

Not really.
Seems the heat has gotten to you, for if you were truly interested in 'playing' you would yourself have provided the details on each system price point. Please do so, and then I think people will respond.